Monday 23 April 2012

Our Music video!


  1. Marianna, you are still missing a series of pieces - the research and planning tasks are worth 20 marks. Have a look at your blog pack and make sure everything is covered in detail. I'll speak to you tomorrow and we can arrange a way forward to enable you to succeed. Please be aware that you've also got 4 evaluation tasks which must be completed. There are additional tasks too I've arranged to provide greater evidence which I'd ideally like you to complete. We'll have to work out how you're going to do this.

    1. I believe you now have the majority up. Are you satisfied that you've posted everything you have? I know there was a backlog of posts, on Wednesday I asterisked all the posts that should be here on your blog. Happy they're all up?

  2. Hi Marianna, We really like this post.

    We think you'll like our video, as a major inspiration :)
